Dear friends, I made it another year! Today is my 47th birthday and I couldn't be happier to be alive. I am so grateful to be in good health (I don't take that for granted!!)! I'm also surrounded by so many wonderful people and doing what I love: growing community around wholesome values, starting with eating nutritious food that's kind to the planet and all beings. I don't think it can get better than that! It's also my daughter's birthday so we have a busy weekend, but I wanted to share the joy with my annual birthday sale: you get 23.5% off everything and I donate 23.5% of your fees to the Captain Paul Watson Foundation. Their crews need all the support they can get to continue safeguarding the seas and defend marine life. How to share the joy: use coupon code BIRTHDAY47 on any of the following before December 31st:
My book Flow in the Kitchen isn't discounted on Amazon, but I'll donate 47% of royalties for sales between now and December 31st. Don't need anything but moved to share the joy anyway? That's fantastic! Just visit the Captain Paul Watson Foundation website to donate directly. What brings me the most joy is to know that you care about what you cook and cook like you care. It makes the world a better place - thank you! Grateful for you (yes: YOU!!), Brigitte p.s. A whole foods 🌱 plant-based diet isn't a silver bullet, but study after study shows that it helps a lot with what we think of as ordinary signs of aging - and it sure feels that way to me! If you're not sure where to start, I think you'll love my 100 Days of Flow in the Kitchen. |
Let me inspire you to plan, prep, and cook simple healthy vegan meals for yourself and your loved ones.
Hi there, what's cooking this weekend? Do you have a meal plan for next week? It's not too late to pull one together! You can use my basic template with themes or, if you want to make as few decisions as possible, my "mad libs" style Winter-produce meal plan template (just fill in the blanks!). Which of these mistakes do you (still) make? No shame! Despite planning healthy vegan meals for 10+ years, even I sometimes still make some of these meal planning mistakes. It's always good to remember...
Hello there, what's cooking? Healthy Vegan Meal Planning that Works for YOU! If meal planning exhausts you, or if you aren't doing it (but have a feeling that it would improve your life if you did!), you NEED to jump on this Zoom call next Thursday. My January free workshop is all about helping you create a meal plan that works for YOUR needs, your schedule, and your specific nutritional requirements... and flavor preferences! Learn more and register It's happening on Thursday January 30th at...
Hello there, what's cooking? It's Sunday night and I'm going to make my version of mapo tofu tonight, with medium tofu, shiitake mushrooms, and a little mountain of broccoli - my favorite vegetable. YUM! Tell me what you want to watch on YouTube The hardest thing about making dinner isn't cooking or cleaning up, it's deciding what to make. (Which is why we have the meal plans!) The hardest thing about making YouTube videos isn't filming or scripting... it's deciding on the topics!! Why don't...